
Cyber Assertiveness? :)

Assertiveness is an essential skill for any cybersecurity professional, at any level.

Acting assertively means to get your point across without aggression (even passive-aggression!!!), in a way that is respectful of others’ rights. 

It means acting with a genuine desire to achieve a win-win situation for everyone.

In cybersecurity we encounter countless situations full of tension or stress when decisions need to be made, we need to persuade others, make recommendations, ask for urgent actions to be taken, say NO…

The ability to stay calm and communicate clearly under this kind of pressure can really give you the professional edge to thrive in your role!

I like to think about it also as calm, conscious confidence.

Don’t get me wrong…being assertive is hard. It can be the pursuit of a lifetime, and it is impossible to be assertive at all times, we are humans after all! 

It is, however, worthwhile learning and practising this skill. It will give you confidence, improve your communication (more on this also in Newsletter #2 on 10/02!) and make you feel heard.

These are your assertive rights, according to psychologists Palmer and Dryden (1995):

  • The right to say NO
  • The right to make mistakes
  • The right to consider your needs important
  • The right to express your feelings in an appropriate manner
  • The right to take responsibility for your actions
  • The right not to be understood
  • The right to set your own priorities
  • The right to respect yourself
  • The right to be YOU
  • The right to be assertive without feeling guilty

How assertive are you? Would you like to become more assertive?

Tell me what you think, I’d love to hear from you 🙂