Do we have a solitude deprivation problem in cybersecurity?

After taking a frantic call from a client on the verge of burnout, I was reflecting on how hard it is for cybersecurity professionals to really disconnect.

It’s the nature of the job, yes… However, society as a whole has an important role to play in this.

Today more than ever we are obsessed with being productive. Preferably while being connected.

We work through a computer, we keep in touch via social media on our smartphone, we use our free time listening to podcasts, music, audiobooks, to call a friend or to talk to someone.
Even when we exercise or meditate, we do so using an app, guided by a voice.
We relax watching tv, or reading a book.

Answer me honestly: 

When was the last time you were truly alone with your thoughts?

This connected state in which we constantly receive data from outside sources is the cause of SOLITUDE DEPRIVATION.

Cal Newport defines “Solitude Deprivation” as:

“A state in which you spend close to zero time alone with your own thoughts and free from input from other minds”.

As humans, we need solitude to maximise our cognitive abilities and develop mental toughness. Spending time alone is essential to:

– understand ourselves
– develop our intuition
– listen to our true wants and needs
– generate new ideas 
– solve problems 
– make better choices

Want to learn more about that?

> If you want to dive deep, read Cal Newport’s book ‘Digital Minimalism’

> If you only have 1 minute, listen to Cal’s explanation here

> No time? Stop learning, start NOT DOING! 


It-only-takes-1-second (ok, minute…) HACK:   

Set your phone’s timer to 1 minute. Stare out of the window, in complete silence. Breathe. Observe any thoughts without judgement. Breathe.

How did that feel?

Will you incorporate more solitude into your daily life?


If you are struggling with creating a purposeful and balanced career, I am here to listen, and help!
Reach out: info{at}