Mindset Hacks #1: Active Listening

If there is one skills that as security professionals, and as humans we need to master, that is definitely LISTENING!

It is, perhaps the easiest thing in the world, but also the hardest to get right.

We complain about not being heard at work, yet, when someone is talking to us, what we tend to do  is to listen with the intent to reply. Instead, we need to learn to listen with the intent to understand.

Learning to listen effectively will make it automatically easier for you to:

  • Build relationships
  • Lead people
  • Negotiate
  • Collaborate
  • Influence

How do you do that? You can start with this article and this video and practice, practice, practice!

If one thing stays with you today, let it be this: 

“Seek first to understand, then to be understood” (S. Covey).

It-only-takes-1-minute tip:

During the next conversation you have, listen attentively, and when it’s your turn to speak start with: “Let me see if I really understand your position/concern/thoughts….” – then explain in your own words what you heard and see where the conversation takes you.

Let me know how it goes, I am always curious to hear your stories 🙂