Interview with Jason Blanchard

Non-Linear Paths into Cybersecurity and How to Job Hunt Like a Hacker – with Jason Blanchard

Several clients contact me because they want to know how to get started in the cybersecurity industry and land their first job. Well, there was one person in particular who is on a mission to teach people how to job hunt like hackers: Jason Blanchard!

After stalking Jason for a while, I finally had a chance to interview him for my Youtube Channel.

It was a lot of fun and we spoke about non-linear paths into #infosec, job-hunting with OSINT and the one question you should ask yourself before looking for your next role!

Jason has a unique story and one of the most unique paths into the #cybersecurity industry I have ever come across.
He is the living proof that when you follow your passion, good things happen!

Hope you enjoy it!