Seeking for the truth, in your cybersecurity career

I came across this quote yesterday:

“All progress starts with telling the truth” (D. Sullivan).

This struck a chord with me, as I realise that until you can state and face the truth, there will be no change possible for you, your life, your career, your team, and your company.

What is really, really going on?
What choices am I making that are creating this situation?
What impact am I having on the people around me?
What is stopping me from making different choices?
Is this really what I want?

All of these are hard questions and sometimes we are scared of the answers. I get that!

What I observe, however, is that when clients finally start telling me the truth (btw, they might be telling me, but as their coach, I am like a mirror so they are telling it to themselves really), that’s where the exciting part starts and we can move forward.

A weight lifts, fear subsides and that’s when we can work on getting unstuck…whatever that might look like!

If you feel like you are moving in circles and not forward, ask yourself if you are telling your truth. 

Bonus tip: Truths are best declared in simple language, calling things by their own names, no skirting around, no using euphemisms, and no longwinded explanations 😉

Ready to find your own truthful way forward in your cybersecurity career? Feel free to book a free 30 minutes coaching consultation with me, and let’s get started!