
Making the most of mentors in cybersecurity

If you work in cybersecurity, you know how important and career-defining it can be to have a mentor.

But…once you have found a mentor, then what?

Mentors are full of useful knowledge and experiences. Some of this knowledge and experience will be irrelevant to you at a certain stage of your career. Some will be priceless and will spur you forward.

Do not assume, anyway, that a mentor knows that…

Cheshire cat

What can “Alice in Wonderland” teach us about cybersecurity careers.

“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?”“That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat.“I don’t much care where—” said Alice.“Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the Cat.“—so long as I get somewhere,” Alice added as an explanation.“Oh, you’re sure …

What can “Alice in Wonderland” teach us about cybersecurity careers. Read More »

Burnout nella Cybersecurity: La minaccia che non ti aspetti.

Complessita’, alto rischio, risorse limitate, stati prolungati di allerta creano un ambiente perfetto per l’insorgere di stress e burnout per chi lavora nella cybersecurity. Stress e burnout costituiscono veri e propri fattori di rischio e mitigarli al meglio richiede una decisa evoluzione nella cultura dell’organizzazione. In questo talk ho trattato di queste minacce invisibili ed …

Burnout nella Cybersecurity: La minaccia che non ti aspetti. Read More »


Cyber Assertiveness? :)

Assertiveness is an essential skill for any cybersecurity professional, at any level. Acting assertively means to get your point across without aggression (even passive-aggression!!!), in a way that is respectful of others’ rights.  It means acting with a genuine desire to achieve a win-win situation for everyone. In cybersecurity we encounter countless situations full of …

Cyber Assertiveness? 🙂 Read More »

Intervista a Cristina per la pagina ‘Donne Self-Employed in UK’

Recentemente sono stata intervistata da Veronica per la rubrica #SEchat del gruppo Donne Self-Employed in UK! Grazie mille per l’opportunità di raccontare la mia storia di piccola imprenditrice! Link al post originale: Trascrizione intervista: Ti andrebbe di descriverti brevemente come persona prima di iniziare l’intervista? Ciao! Io sono Cristina e vivo in UK dal …

Intervista a Cristina per la pagina ‘Donne Self-Employed in UK’ Read More »