

The Drama Triangle in Cybersecurity

Threats. Attacks. Defence. Vulnerabilities. In the constant battle against cyber criminals, it’s easy for blue teams, red teams and management teams to fall into unhelpful roles and interactions.  Stressful, emotional, high conflict situations can lead to “my team” vs. “your team” conversations and eventually compromise working relationships. Developed by Stephen Karpman, the Drama Triangle can …

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Interview with Jason Blanchard

Non-Linear Paths into Cybersecurity and How to Job Hunt Like a Hacker – with Jason Blanchard

Several clients contact me because they want to know how to get started in the cybersecurity industry and land their first job. Well, there was one person in particular who is on a mission to teach people how to job hunt like hackers: Jason Blanchard! After stalking Jason for a while, I finally had a …

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Mental Health in Cybersecurity

Mental Health in Cybersecurity

I believe that the mental health of cybersecurity employees should be regarded as a matter of national security. For this reason, I wanted to hear from someone that has made it her mission to help the cyber community talk about mental health: Amanda Berlin, CEO of Mental Health Hackers!

Leading Remote Teams

In the past few weeks many of us have found themselves having to manage teams that were suddenly operating 100% remotely. Even with the best technology and software available (there are many articles out there covering which tools are best!), this new situation can be challenging for new and seasoned leaders alike. Working and communicating …

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The Power of Choice

Have you ever felt powerless in life? I have. Sometimes life throws at you unexpected, terrible things and in those occasions, you feel defenceless and at the mercy of forces greater than yourself. This is human. In less extreme situations, though, how many times have you said: “I don’t have a choice“? *Raising my hand* …

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